Keynote Speakers




Assoc. Prof. Ma’an Alkhatib

International Islamic University Malaysia

Title: Sustainable wastewater treatment: Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) causes and treatment: as a case study

Short-Bio:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ma’an Alkhatib is the Chair of River of Life (ROL) Flagship Project at International Islamic University Malaysia. He is the founder and chair of Friends of Pusu River and cofounder and Assistant secretary of the national NGO, Friends of Klang River Basin. He served as Coordinator for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Group (NANORG) from 2007-2015. He also served as postgraduate, final year project, integrated design project coordinator. He is currently active member of NANORG and Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Centre (BERC). He obtained his Ph.D. in chemical and environmental engineering. His research focus is in areas lead to sustainable environment. He conducts research on sustainable water and wastewater treatment and nanomaterials (activated carbon, CNT, graphene, nanoparticles) for environmental applications. He has been working actively and closely with public and private institutions such as Indah Water (IWK, Malaysia's national sewerage company), NanoMalaysia Berhad, MYCDNET. He is also chairing a subcommittee in Ministry of Education Malaysia to promote active learning in Institutions of Higher Learning. He won the best teacher award at Faculty and University Levels. He has been appointed as fund applications reviewer. He is also member of editorial board of few peer reviewed journals. He is a member in professional engineering bodies: Jordan Engineers Association, CEng with The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK, The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). 




Pr. Alex LI

Civil Engineering Laboratory, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France

Title: Renforcement des Poutres Continues en Béton Armé par Matériaux Composites

Short-Bio: Prof. Alex Li, is Director of Civil Engineering Laboratory - University of Reims - Champagne-Ardenne.



Dr. Sadia RADJI

 Research Team: Physic and Chemistry of Polymers (UMR 5254), University of Pau, France

Title: Polymères biosourcés: stratégies d'élaboration, perspectives et applications

Short-Bio: Dr. Sadia RADJI, is Ass. Prof, PhD, Department of Physics, University of Pau and Adour / IPREM-EPCP, Since September 2010. She is IPREM committee member and the training team of the LMD doctoral school "Chemistry and physics of polymers" (UMBB-Algeria). 


Pr. Samy El-Shall

Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Title: Graphene-based Materials for Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Water Treatment and Solar Water Desalination

Short-Bio: Pr. Samy El-Shall is the Mary Eugenia Kapp Endowed Chair in Chemistry, Commonwealth Professor and the Chairman of the Chemistry Department at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Cairo University (Egypt), and a Ph.D. from Georgetown University (Washington D.C., USA). He did postdoctoral research in nucleation and clusters at UCLA (Los Angeles, CA). His research interests are in the general areas of cluster ions, ion mobility, nucleation phenomena, nanostructured materials, graphene and nanocatalysis for energy and environmental applications. He has published over 260 refereed papers and review chapters, and he holds eight US patents on the synthesis of nanomaterials, nanoalloys, nanoparticle catalysts, graphene, and graphene-supported catalysts. (Google Scholar h-index = 51, citations > 10,000).  Dr. El-Shall received the Outstanding Faculty Award of the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia (SCHEV), Virginia's highest faculty honor in 1999; the Distinguished Research Award from the Virginia Section of the American Chemical Society in 2009; the VCU Distinguished Scholarship Award in 2011, and the VCU Award of Excellence in 2016. He was selected as a Jefferson Science Fellow and worked as a Senior Science Advisor at the U.S. Department of State in 2012-2013. Dr. El-Shall received the Virginia Outstanding Scientist Award in 2018 presented by the Governor of Virginia. He is an elected Fellow of both the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).



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