Presentation guidelines
Oral communications
Presentations should be in Microsoft PowerPoint format (.ppt file). The file should be electronically handed by the speaker to adress email ( and the Registration Desk at least one session before his/her presentation.
The presenting authors should plan on a 12 min talk followed by 3 min for questions and discussion.
Projector and PC devices will be available in the Conference Room.
Keynote presentations are planned on a 35 min long presentation followed by 5 min of questions and discussion.
Poster Presentations
- The presenting authors should hang their posters in the morning of their presentation and remove them in the evening of the presentation day.
All posters are required to conform to portrait orientation. Failure to follow this requirement will mean that the poster will not be displayed on the allotted board.
Dimensions of the posters: 65 cm width x 85 cm height (See and use the Poster Template). Please make sure to use enough large fonts so that the posters can be easily read.
Design the poster to convey a clear messageand avoid overload - too much information seriously detracts from the overall impact.